17 Oktober 2021 - 19:30 - 21:30

sessionGlobal Sacred Dance - "Across the Lands"

Now we get ready for our event with Fido this weekend "The Centrepiece" special, "Across the Lands". I am excited to bring his tour of "Marlburg and beyond" a personal tour of his dance and area in Germany. Fido has a treat in store with his dances too... and Marburg is the fascinating place where Fido met and worked with Bernhard Wosien.

Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to spend time with Fido Wagler.

The Centrepiece is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: The Centrepiece session special - "Across the Land"
Time: Oct 17, 2021 18:30 - 20:30 London

Unkostenbeitrag: 10/15/20 GBP

Link zur Anmeldung: https://brantbambery.com/across-the-lands/

Den Zugang zum Zoom-Meeting erhält man nach der Anmeldung.

Allgemeine Information gibt es hier: https://brantbambery.com/

Aufzeichnungen früherer Veranstaltungen gibt's auf Youtube.
